วันจันทร์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Poem: The Horse and the Farm

The Horse and the Farm
The saddle I sat and you were beside.
The horse rout straight we have got smiles.
Laughter from your eyes liked me my child.
I memorized the scenes into my mind.
Dry leaves on the ground year by year,
The horse and the farm were here, but tears.
Clunks of clogs I even couldn't hear.
So I get on the road with fears.
Eternity the field wouldn't move, it's true.
Releasing, then looking something gone, hits me through.
A waterfall time went arid, the fish couldn't flow.
Grace and hair blew into the wind, it’s cruel.
The inception of grasses, water and flowers come.
The engine was working, but the garden still calm.
The evening, work's done, yet noises were settled on my palm.
You were back again the horse and I'll be always your farm.

Cinquain Pattern #2
Line1: A noun -Flood
Line2: Two adjectives -Extreme, Swift
Line3: Three -ing words -Floating, Flowing, Moving
Line4: A phrase -With slush goes along deluge
Line5: Another word for the noun – Destruction

Out of Assignment
The farm won't move to anywhere, no way
Four legs have scared its sigh
Whom love can't move, but stare
Legs walk, legs run leave bare
One day, is there any thread?
It is gone to try somewhere else
Know nothing about love beneath feet
Whom love grows grasses and constancy
to feed, making good wait for fate
The way whom love just abide
Man who is loved can fly
That the way of the horse and the farm.

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